Step Up for Others

Step Up for Others

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I was watching a video featuring Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, the first woman Director-General of the World Trade Organization, discussing what women in power face both in getting to the role as well as the judgments once they are in the role.  She had some great things to think about ā€“ how you are judged regardless of what you do, so you might as well do what you want ā€“ in her case, wearing a head wrap everywhere so people would not judge her hair. 

One thing that really struck me was her statement that every woman that steps up makes space for another.  Not only was she talking about bringing up a woman behind you as you move up the chain, but that having women in visible high-power positions opens up more opportunities for other women.  This is valuable advice for all women.  Not only do we need to help pull each other up as we advance, but we need to know that when we trailblaze and get into traditionally male-dominated roles, we not only give a role model for future generations, but we also show that women fit into those roles. 

Iā€™m not implying it is easy for those women that fight every day to get into these roles and earn the respect they deserve.  We also do not want to be a statistic, only brought in for our gender.  It is, however, very important that we keep pushing into new areas and showing that women are strong and capable and can do these jobs just as well as the males.  And as we move our way up, help those women behind us ā€“ mentor them, help them navigate the system, speak up for them, and show them how it is done. 

Of course I would recommend reading my book Pull Each Other UP, for more ways to step up for others!
